AUTOPLAN project meeting was held on 17th-18th of January ‘22 in Technical University of Berlin in the Model Test Building with the contribution of TUB, UZMAR, FSYS, OES, SVA-POTSDAM and Piri Reis Unversity. On the first day the partners represented their achivements so far and a sample test run was made at full speed (7.8 m/s), demonstrating the new test platform, that was developed by TUB for the special requirements of the investigation of planing hulls. On the second day, the partners shared their plan status and group discussions were made about software and hardware implementation. A second model test run was made for 5 degrees drift angle to simulate oblique wave behaviour of the model.
The MarTERA project AUTOPLAN production will begin in June in UZMAR Shipyard and the INA system (developed by OES) which runs a novel manoeuvring model (developed by TUB) that is also capable of predicting instabilities at high speeds for a planing craft will be mounted on the vessel at the end of the year. The model tests (the model is built by SVA-POTSDAM) at TUB and parametric optimization of the model (developed by FSYS) will continue until the end of the project, which is June 2023.